SAVE THE DATE | World Ceramic Tiles Forum | 17-18 July 2020 | Bali, Indonesia

The 2020 edition of the WCTF – World Ceramic Tiles Forum will take place in Bali – Indonesia, from 15-18 July 2020 and will be kindly hosted by ASAKI - The Indonesia Ceramic Industry Associati.

The 2020 WCTF Meetings will be organized in conjunction with the ISO TC189 Plenary Meeting, which will take place from 19-22 July 2020, in the same location. The participation in the latter event is restricted to ISO TC189 committee members.

The World Ceramic Tiles Forum provides a privileged opportunity to discuss national and global trends in consumption and production of ceramic tiles, national or international standardization issues, key regulatory developments affecting the industry’s competitiveness, trade statistics and barriers to trade, the review of HS/customs codes, sustainability of the sector, environmental performance and regional initiatives promoting ceramic tiles.

WCTF Members are very much looking forward to a fruitful forum and productive discussions contributing to the long term sustainable competitiveness of ceramic tiles manufacturing.
